My own personal news column

November 17, 2011 § Leave a comment

I am beginning to understand the value of the blog. It is the tech version of the journal, right? Wrong.

If this were a journal, I would be tucking it back on my bedside stand, never to be seen by anyone. OK, maybe I would show my wife, but that’s it.

A blog is more like a personal newspaper, which is why I have rewritten this comment at least a dozen times. Frankly, I can’t just think up a story; I have to research and write like a journalist. That’s not easy!

Fortunately, it is not the Associated Press, or Reuters (both sources that I follow daily). This is just little ol’ me, trying to stay current and relevant in an age of tech independence and freedom. What is amazing to me is that this tech curve has been as steep in my lifetime as it was in my grandmother’s (who remembers the first time she heard a radio broadcast).

Some subjects I will be addressing in this blog include: communication, relationship building, training and development, organizational change, sustainability, pedagogy, andragogy, leisure, recreation, play, environmental justice, leadership, parenting, music, experiential education, and adventure sports.

If you have a recommendation for me to cover a story, I would love the opportunity to practice my journalism skills. Send me a message.

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